Welcome, Creatures to the magical, mystical and musical world of Rumpus.
Imagine the bastard child of Pokemon Go and an ancient grimoire spread across 7 rooms of the best live music and most delectable DJs.
But this time, you are the Creatures. Find your inner magical beast and bring it to the party! Collect as many other Creatures as possible. Then set them to battle each other; create a mini-society or just buy them all a drink.
You are the hunters and the hunted!
We would like to announce that, following the unprecedented success of our panda breeding programme, we are expanding into unicorns. Please do not be alarmed if you happen upon a burly and dashing unicorn hunter. It is all part of our benevolent plan. We aim to save the species by providing a safe place for them to replenish their numbers.
We would like a reassure all Creatures there will be no pandas at this event. The Panda does not feature in world of magic, neither is it a known musical rhythmic device.

★☆Dress Code Suggestions★☆
Pert pixies, bouffant bass beats, positively no pandas, flamboyant phoenixes, quiversome quavers, daring drum-beats, definitely no pandas, mambo-ing minims, bedazzled basilisks, scintillating syncopation, pouting puffskeins, badass back-beats, tumescent trolls, absolutely no pandas at all, shimmering semi-breves, curvaceous chimeras, bootilicious break-beats, happy hoo-hoos, glamorous grindylows, coruscating crotchets, saucy sasquatches, zero pandas.
For more dress code inspiration click here for our Pinterest board

Line up

❤️ Room 1 – Main Room
Johnny Kowalski and the Sexy Weirdos – We couldn’t book Jacob Kowlaski so we went one better and captured a (probable) relative with awesome musical gifts
Galactic Funk Militia – These guys blew us away at a pub gig to such an extent we vowed to bring them to Rumpus so you, too, could enjoy the swagger and unalloyed joy they bring
Paradise Moist – get your feet jumping, your heart pumping and your grind bumping.
Sacha Dieu – Have a fling with the king of electro swing!
Clan Dextine – journey through bass and time, from swing to ska, blues to balkan, roots to rave and beyond!
💛 Room 2 – Hosted By Fiesta Bombarda
Fiesta Bombarda – come party with the Carnival Creatures of carefree joyousness. Carnival-esque caperings and sunshine inspired sounds, trip the light fantastic through Fiesta funtimes.
(Full line-up to be announced!)
💚 Room 3
Crinkle Cuts – revel in the eccentric, exotic and eargasmic physchedelic tapestry of good vibes.
King Cassady – let the hypnotic Latin rhythms and interwoven guitars strum you to dervish dance floor ecstasy
Mister Nice – The DJ that is so succulent, sweet, lovely and nice, we just had to have him back!
Dr Amaqueen – damm funkie tunes and dancing dressing sharp…the Doctor is in!
NeoPink: NeoDroid – A performance DJ experience with live Djembe drumming over a pulsating African rhythm infused electronic dancescape. There may be DROiDs
🩵 Room 4 – Balkan Roast Room
Kamao Trio – Sooth your soul and get your toes tapping with this magical menagerie of manouche musicians.
The Flamenco Thief – get your stamp on with this percussive guitarist
Garance and the Mitochondries – dance along with Garance and the rag tag ensembel of gifted rogues from the street corners of London
Kazoo Orchestra – Free your inner child with the manic joy of the Rumpus Kazoo Orchestra
Faith I Franco – Feel the frenzy in your feet, party apace!
DJ Bopgun – Funk to the maximum groove.
💜 Room 5 – Courtyard
DJ The Alchemist brings you a gaggle of glorious DJs to keep you happily hopping and jauntily jigging the whole night through in our creatively chilled indoor outdoor space. Featuring the uplifting Rosebud Lix, the jaw-dropping James PB, and the gorgeous Graham Edensounds as well as the one and only Awesome The Alchemist.
💙 Room 6 – The Wonderland Cafe
Tea, cake, coffee and serenity. Pause the whirlwind of the dance-floor for musical moments of patience and perfect peace with these wondrous charitable Creatures
🩷 Room 7 – Cinerave
VJ Harper – Vibrant visuals to feast your eyes while the beats move your feets to feats of great dancing